Friday, May 30, 2008

Makin ramai or PKR akan menyertai UMNO...

Apakah kemasukan semakin ramai orang PKR didorong sokongan terhadap agenda proaktif Pak Lah atau sebaliknya?

Dengan khabar sejak kebelakangan ini pergeseran berlaku dalam angkata muda PKR dan ini yang mencetuskan hasrat di antara ramai ahli untuk memasuki UMNO.

Sudah tentu kemasukan mereka ke dalam UMNO tidak berani diisytiharkan sebagai bermotifkan hasrat 'mengambil-alih' kedudukan penting dalam parti itu, terutama Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO yang dikatakan semakin kecoh kepemimpinannya.

Anggota muda PKR ini mensasarkan pemuda UMNO kerana 'perjuangan' mereka yang kini menjadi laungan pertempuran yang begitu menyakinkan penyokong terhadap Pakatan Rakyat semasa pilihanaraya lalu.

Apakah tidak disedari agenda ini? Ia seolah-olah 'orang mengantuk disorong bantal.'

Terbaru terdengar berita ramai lagi pemimpin Angkata Pemuda PKR Selangor dijangka mengikut jejak Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor menyertai Umno.

Sehingga semalam lapan orang termasuk Ezam telah mengemukakan hasrat mereka.

Bekas Setiausaha PKR Selangor Nazmi Rosli berkata beberapa pemimpin Pemuda negeri itu serta beberapa pemimpin bahagian berjumpa dengannya dan Ezam kononya mengadu rasa tidak puas hati terhadap kepimpinan parti itu.

Kelmarin Nazmi menyuarakan hasrat menyertai Umno bersama Ezam dan enam yang lain termasuk Anuar Shaari, bekas setiausaha sulit kepada Anwar Ibrahim dan bekas Exco PKR, Khairul Anuar Ramli.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Anwar will NOT be PM says PKR

Despite all the speculation and the on going turmoil in UMNO, the road to the PM's office still ha a number of obstacles for Anwar Ibrahim.  The biggest obstacle is that public perception of him is quite divided.

There are those who say Anwar is no different and will be no different from the UMNO boys of today - after all he was a master at the game as he rose up the ranks in UMNO.

Then there are those who say prison does change a man and they quote Ghandi and Mandela as examples… Unfortunately in the case of GHANDI and Mandela, prison did not change them but further strengthened their resolve  to see independence, liberation and for Mandela the abolishment of apartheid.  

In my view, prison has only strengthened Anwar Ibrahim's resolve.  Resolve about what? Resolve to proof that Tun Mahathir was a despot perpetrating cronyism and nepotism.  Whilst I think Anwar has got good leadership qualities, I don't think he will use those qualities for the benefit of the nation but for the benefit of installing his view or concept of how UMNO and BN should be run.

There is just too much "sandiwara" or posturing going on to make the him a trustable and believable candidate, not withstanding that he is an astute and respected politicians.    I think Anwar's prime and only concern is about himself becoming PM and he will use what ever means it takes to achieve that objective, but it does mean that to achieve that he will have to be the president of UMNO.

Just like Mahathir, for Anwar the ends do truly justify the means.

The political and ideological concessions that DAP and PAS will have to make in order to fit into a unified PKR platform are simply too big. The fact that we are not seeing any public discussion of how this loose "PKR coalition" is going to come together under a single party symbol is telling enough. Right now the binding factor between PKR, DAP, and PAS is the common goal of weakening Barisan's hold - which they have done very well.  

But the party lines are still drawn with strong racial undertones… and if PKR's promise is for a unified Bangsa Malaysia - the the three parties really need to be talking about it now, in public. What does Bangsa Malaysia mean in terms of a national agenda and what is the policy framework for it.  It is easy for Anwar to criticise about what is currently wrong with the government and it is easy for him to paint a picture of what an ideal future can look like, but the challenge will be in the details and for that - we have heard nothing.

At the state level, PAS with Kelantan and Kedah under its belt will seek to consolidate its position, likewise DAP with Penang and Perak while PKR really only has  Selangor and the most Parliament seats held by the opposition.

So with this level of wins - the "oppoition" is far better off collaborating with each other rather than fighting as they all have a common enemy - namely BN.

Should this balance of power change in that either DAP or PAS becomes significantly strong relative to the other at the next elections,  think we will see a lot more flexing of muscles and thats where the real ideological conflicts will arise.

Right now, I give high marks to the respective MB's for demonstrating that the "opposition" controlled stated can function and are functioning better that when they were under BN.  And if the "opposition" is serious about working under a single flag then they are going to have to demonstrate it in the states first.  Right now the mood is toleration, simply because it is needed to show solidarity.   However, to step the relation up a few more notches will require compromises and this will be hard to do.

For PKR to really unify - Anwar will have to step down  - together with Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, and Nik Aziz and allow the next generation to take over and push the agenda.  For now the old guards have done enought to get us to where we need to be. Unlike UMNO, the PKR coalition, in order to succeed, must show an ability for the old to give way to the young in order for constant renewal to take place.

So, Anwar, thank you for getting us this far. You may not become PM but the outcome of this election is more than what any PM has done for the country.. but now its time for you to find a new face to lead the PKR coalition…. 

-Minda Cergas-

UMNO Youth Chief wants to grill Ezam

Umno Youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein wants to meet former PKR chief Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor to clarify questions he has on Mohamad Ezam's application to rejoin Umno.


Hishammuddin said he was concerned about Mohamad Ezam's role in Umno, his sincerity in joining the party and the benefits the party would get from admitting the former political secretary of PKR's de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

He said,"Despite Anwar's claims that many people from BN will jump ship, we see that it is his people who are joining us. This is a benefit to us but I want to see him (Mohamad Ezam) to discuss some issues."

He also wanted to leverage on Mohamad Ezam's experience in the anti-corruption non-governmental organisation Gerak, and see how Mohamad Ezam could help the party tackle corruption.

As to Mohamad Ezam's role in the wing, Hishammuddin said it would be decided by members. -


Lagi PKR masuk UMNO


Menurut laporan terbaru dalam laman web berita alternatif 'The Malaysian Insider', tujuh lagi bekas ahli pemimpin Pemuda PKR mengikuti jejak Ezam menganggotai UMNO. Mereka ialah:

  1. Bekas Ahli Majlis Eksekutif Pemuda PKR Azwan Din Hamzah & Abdul Ghani Haron
  2. Bekas Ketua Pemuda PKR Permatang Pauh dan juga Setiausaha Sulit Anwar Ibrahim
  3. Bekas Ketua Pemuda PKR Selangor Johari Mohd Yasin
  4. Bekas Setiausaha Pemuda PKR Selangor Mohd Nazmi Rosli
  5. Bekas Ketua Pemuda Perlis Ahmad Daud Che Ghani
  6. Bekas Ketua Pemuda PKR Kedah Khairul Annuar Ramli

Hmm, apa kata Pemuda UMNO, ya?...



Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Apa di sebalik perletakan jawatan Idris Jusoh?

Hanya beberapa hari lalu Idris Jusoh berkata dia tidak akan meletakkan jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Jawatan Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno negeri . Tiba-tiba petang tadi dia mengejutkan akar-umbi parti dengan keputusan sebaliknya.

Pening ahli UMNO. Belum pun sempat merungkaikan rasional Ezam kembali kepada UMNO setelah begitu hebat mengutuk dan mengancam kerajaan pimpinan Pak Lah, muncul satu lagi kejutan dari Terengganu.

Nampaknya budaya UMNO masakini seolah-olah satu budaya kejutan dan ironi. Apa yang dikatakan bukan sesuatu yang perlu dikota, sebaliknya haluan dan pendirian lebih berpandukan elemen-elemen di luar 'tabii' demokrasi.

Turut meletak jawatan Setiausaha Badan Perhubungan Umno Terengganu Rosol Wahid. Katanya dia dilantik oleh Idris dan merasakan perlu mengikut apa yang dilakukan oleh beliau. Tambahnya lagi, semua ini adalah untuk memastikan Umno Terengganu lebih kukuh dan kuat.

Hmm...meletakkan jawatan untuk mengukuhkan UMNO Terengganu...apa kata akar-umbi?

Kembalinya Ezam untuk kuatkan Pak Lah?


Bekas Ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan, Ezam Mohd. Noor diterima kembali ke pangkuan Umno - parti yang ditinggalkannya satu dekad lalu dengan Pak Lah menyifatkanya "seorang yang istimewa."

Bagaimana pun Pak Lah menolak tanggapan Ezam akan diberikan jawatan penting dalam parti dan kerajaan dalam waktu terdekat.

Kalangan pemerhati pula menyifatkan tindakan Ezam sebagai perkembangan menarik dalam senario politik semasa termasuk ketika Umno berhadapan dengan 'krisis' baru manakala Pakatan Rakyat pula menguasai lima kerajaan negeri.

Malah, perkembangan ini yang pertama membabitkan seorang bekas pemimpin kanan PKR kembali kepada Umno selepas pilihan raya 8 Mac lalu.

Ezam menyifatkan pertemuannya dengan Pak Lah baik dan positif. Dia tidak mengulas lanjut selepas pertemuan empat mata hari ini, sebaliknya berkata akan mengadakan sidang akhbar di Petaling Jaya esok.

Bagaimanapun belum pun sampai esok, dalam siaran berita TV3 pukul 8 malam, dia memberikan wawancara yang memakan sebahagian besar durasi program tersebut.

Beberapa jam sebelum pertemuan Pak Lah dan Ezam, Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Umno mengadakan mesyuarat. Selepas pertemuan itu Pak Lah berkata Ezam telah berada di kedua-dua Umno dan Keadilan. Selepas berada di kedua-dua pihak, dia merasakan lebih baik berada di dalam Umno (untuk berjuang).

Dalam pertemuan petang tadi Ezam juga mengemukakan permohonan kepada Pak Lah untuk kembali memasuki Umno. Pak Lah berkata beliau belum lagi mengadakan perbincangan dengan Pemuda Umno mengenai hasrat Ezam menyertai kembali parti. Ketika ditanya sama ada permohonannya sudah diterima, beliau berkata: "Dah, boleh terima."

Pak Lah juga mengakui tiada apa-apa syarat dikenakan ke atas permohonan Ezam memasuki semula Umno.

Reaksi ahli UMNO, para pemerhati politik dan tidak kurang juga parti pembangkang bercampur di antara terperanjat, senyuman sinis, panik, dan kebencian.

Bagaimanapun, ada di antara penganalisis menyifatkan perkembangan ini sebagai petanda Pak Lah mula bergerak untuk transisi peralihan kuasa.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

PR boikot akhbar Melayu: Apa pulak akhbar bukan Melayu?

Tindakan Pakatan Rakyat memboikot akhbar Melayu dikatakan berikutan apa yang dianggap sebagai penyiaran berita yang kononya meniup sentimen perkauman.

Tidak kiralah siapa nak baca atau tak mahu baca akhbar Melayu. Blog banyak, sembang kedai kopi bercambah lengkap dengan 'ad lib' dan 'editorialising' sendiri. Dalam hal ini boikot tidak mungkin boleh menjejas populariti akhbar vernakular seperti akhbar Melayu. Lagi pun selama ini Pembangkang memang pun tak percaya dan tak gemar membaca akhbar arus perdana Melayu...dah tu apa yang nak diherankan, kecuali mungkin sejak kebelakangan ini mereka semakin tergugat dengan ketelusan penulisan yang meluahkan intipati perasaan orang Melayu?

Tetapi, apakah yang sebenarnya dimaksudkan dengan meniup sentimen perkauman? Apakah menulis mengenai pendapat untuk menasihat dan mengingatkan bangsa sendiri boleh diertikan sebagai tergolong dalam 'kesalahan' ini?

Dalam akhbar-akhbar arus perdana berbahasa Inggeris tidak kurang juga berita, analisis dan komen yang boleh dianggap boleh menaikkan kemarahan orang Melayu atau sebagainya. Sedihnya, ramai di kalangan orang Melayu tidak menyedari hal ini kerana mereka hanya membaca akhbar bahasa Melayu. Dan apa pula dengan blog berita alternatif seperti Malaysia-Today? Lebih dasyat lagi kandungannya...

Di sini yang penting ialah interprestasi dan perspektif tafsiran sesuatu kandungan dari kacamata seseorang. Ia sama juga seperti mentafsirkan karya-karya seni seperti filem cereka, teater dan novel. Pada orang ini ia mungkin memualkan, pada orang lain mungkin sesuatu yang boleh mencetuskan kesedaran.

Menyentuh perkara ini elok jugak diketengahkan komen Ahli Parlimen Pulai, Datuk Nur Jazlan yang mahu media khususnya akhbar Cina supaya tidak terlalu mensensasikan berita membabitkan jenayah kerana ia menyebabkan imej bandaraya serta negeri Johor terutama sekali di kalangan pelancong asing serta pelabur menjadi buruk.

Katanya, jelas ada pihak yang cuba mempolitik dan memainkan sentimen perkauman dengan mendakwa polis gagal melindungi masyarakat Cina. Ini, menurutnya tidak patut berlaku.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Ezam and the $64,000 Umno question

EZAM Mohd Nor coming back into Umno's fold? It is still hearsay, at this stage.


News that he is to rejoin the party he had been critical of until the March 8 polls is strange, but as they say, anything is possible in politics. Stranger things have happened.

Furthermore, it has been a longstanding rumour that the once rising star in Umno and former close aide of former deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will return to the party, which he once served as the Petaling Jaya Selatan deputy division chief.

Ezam has not made up his mind although he did meet Umno president Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi two weeks ago and Datuk Seri Najib Razak soon after.

He is expected to answer this nagging question soon now that he got home from Bangkok yesterday, but not without first having a "small talk" with former colleagues from Parti Keadilan Rakyat.

There are many questions, if it is true that Ezam, once dubbed the "Siamese twin" of PKR's vice-president Azmin Mohd Ali, has the intention to rejoin Umno. More so since it is a known fact that he left PKR after a fallout with Azmin.

Is he returning to Umno's fold because he sincerely believes it to be the only party championing the cause of the Malays?

Is he conceding that fighting corruption, through the Civil Movement against Corruption (Gerak) he helped set up, is a lost cause? Or does he find the invitation from Umno leaders to revitalise Umno an irresistible offer?

"I think it's strange (for him) to join the very institution he has been critical of. (But) this is his choice.

"After all he has done for the party (PKR), after going to prison, it would be odd for him to go back to them," said PKR chief Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.

Ezam had gone on record many times, saying he would not rejoin Umno. He said he wanted to focus on the campaign against corruption beyond partisan lines.

But Umno seems keen to embrace Ezam despite his venomous attacks on the party leadership, particularly on alleged corrupt practices in the government.

There is also concern. The question of Ezam being a "Trojan horse" was dismissed by Najib, who reportedly said that Ezam is a friendly party.

Speculation that Ezam will be appointed a senator and be given the task to lead the battle to recapture Selangor also has not gone down too well with other suspicious leaders.

There is uneasiness within Umno Youth, too, over talk of pushing Ezam to lead the movement.

Umno Youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has prepared three questions for the party leadership to ponder on the Ezam "crossover". First, what is the benefit for Umno if Ezam rejoins? Second, is he willing to struggle alongside Umno? Finally, what will be his role?

It is no secret that Ezam almost accepted an offer from PKR to contest the last general election after being told that Anwar was willing to forgive and forget.

When this did not materialise, Ezam convinced PKR leaders that he would assist "close friends" contesting the elections, which saw him campaigning for friends like Saifuddin Nasution Ismail and Pas' Husam Musa and Mahfuz Omar.

When he was in Kelantan to launch a book published by Gerak, Islam dan Perjuangan Merawat Rasuah (Islam and the struggle against corruption), during the election campaign, he was full of praise for Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat for being the "cleanest" of all politicians.

But when the opposition pact won and statements and policies announced by Anwar on behalf of Pakatan Rakyat seemed to leave out the Malay agenda, Ezam was said to be upset.

Is rejoining Umno, therefore, an afterthought for this man?


By Zubaidah Abu Bakar

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tahan Tun bawah ISA: Param mendendam

PAS Kawasan Batu mengecam cadangan Param Cumaraswamy bekas rapporteur Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) yang mendesak kerajaan menahan bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA).

Ketua Penerangannya, Tarmizi Mohd Jam, berkata cadangan itu bukan sahaja bertentangan dengan hak asasi manusia malah ia amat bercanggah dengan ajaran Islam yang suci.

Katanya, sekalipun Tun Dr. Mahathir boleh didakwa atas apa jua isu yang boleh dibuktikan melalui undang-undang, ISA tidak boleh digunakan kerana akta tersebut ditentang PAS dan rakan-rakan lain dalam Pakatan Rakyat atas nama prinsip keadilan.

Param mencadang digunakan ISA ke atas Tun Mahathir berdasarkan ucapan beliau di Johor pada 17 Mei lalu yang disifatkan membawa sentimen 'perkauman.'

Tarmizi juga meminta Gerakan Mansuh ISA (GMI) mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi berhubung perkara ini.

"Kita kesal. Cadangan itu semacam dendam. Selama ini Param antara yang menentang ISA. Kini dia juga yang mahu ISA digunakan untuk Tun (Mahathir)," tegasnya dalam satu kenyataannya kepada media.

Tarmizi bimbang, ISA hanya ditentang ketika pemimpin tertentu ditahan tetapi dalam masa yang sama, ISA juga boleh digunakan ke atas mereka yang tidak sependapat dan menjadi musuh pihak tententu yang lain.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Demokrasi ala Amerika untuk menundukkan Islam

Dalam kesibukan memerhatikan kemelut politik tanah air, terlintas juga di hati apa sebenarnya di sebalik laungan Presiden Amerika Syarikat George Bush menyebarkan idea demokrasi di serata negara yang masih dianggapnya sebagai tidak berapa bertamaddun.

Dalam satu artikel yang saya terbaca hasil tulisan seorang rakyat Amerika baru-baru ini, saya terpanggil untuk berkongsi secara mentah apa yang dilahirkanya.

Penulis itu mempertahankan Bush dan agenda 'demokrasi' Amerika di Iraq dengan berkata penerapan demokrasi di negara Islam itu telah membawa kepada suasana yang lebih selamat bagi wanita dan penganut agama Kristian.

Menurut penulis itu lagi, undang-undang syariah yang sebelum ini menjadi teras pemerintahan Iraq dianggap Amerika sebagai terlalu ganas, brutal dan tidak berperikemanusiaan, lantaran hanya demokrasi ala barat yang mampu menghentikannya.

Di sini kita dapat melihat di antara agenda petualang Amerika Syarikat yang didalangi puak neocon untuk melemahkan dunia Islam.

Bibit-bibit pengaruh negatif Amerika di sebalik jelmaan agenda 'muslim moderat' dan 'liberal demokrasi' yang begitu ketara dipupuk beberapa pihak pembangkang di Malaysia sebenarnya sebahagian daripada rancangan besar Amerika dan konco-konco di negara ini.

Tidak...menidakkan kemaraan idea-idea seperti ini bukan bermakna penganut kristian diketepikan, tetapi bahayanya ialah bagaimana sentimen agama digunakan Amerika bagi meraih sokongan barat dan sebagainya...


Salehuddin Hashim menangguk di Air keruh...

Setiausaha Agung PKR, Salehuddin Hashim mudah sekali menangguk di air keruh.

Dia mentafsirkan isu tindakan Tun Mahathir keluar UMNO dua hari lalu sebagai pentanda buruk yang kononnya bakal merebak ke akar umbi, lantaran menyebabkan UMNO hilang fokus dan kredibiliti.

Sebagai seorang pemimpin parti pembangkang, takjub jugak mendengar pendirian Salehuddin ni. Mungkin ada di antara orang yang akan menelan bulat-bulat pandangan oportunisnya itu. Apakah munasabah bagi orang seorang PKR mengambil berat tentang keutuhan UMNO walhal seluruh jentera PKR telah sekian lama menumpukan perhatian dan tenaga untuk memburukkan UMNO bagi kepentingan sendiri.

Saya ingin mengingatkan Salehuddin bahawa rakyat Malaysia, tidak kira ahli afiliasi politik tidak semudah itu dipengaruhi pemikiran sempat seperti ini. Jika Salehuddin sampai hati menyuarakan 'ancaman' ini, ia sebenarnya mencerminkan kebarangkalian ia tercetus dalam mindanya sendiri...fikirkanlah.

Halliburton denies involvement in Iraq?...please

It makes me want to puke hearing claims that the US oil and gas company Halliburton denied having any more links with the pillaging and plunder of Iraq's oil. All said and done, how come cases relating to the company are still being heard and pending?

You see, it is not whether Halliburton has ended all kinds of involvement with is about what they have done through the years while there. Those were years soaked in the blood, sweat and tears of the Iraqi people. Now that it has 'ended' its links over there , we hear of Halliburton coming to Malaysia's Iskandar Development Region to invest using what the world see as money tainted by the sufferings and anguish of the Iraqis.

Within such a scenario are Malaysians so forgiving as to sell their soul for the sake of foreign investment?

Ponder this:

"...The arrival of Dick Cheney as CEO in 1995 was, by far, the best decision Halliburton ever made. Under Cheney's tenure as CEO, Halliburton's revenue from federal government contracts nearly doubled. Government-backed loans from the Export-Import bank increased from $100 million to $1.5 billion. The company became the 18th-largest defense contractor, in terms of revenue, whereas before Cheney's arrival the company was the 73rd largest contractor.

Halliburton saw its revenue increase 30 percent to $16 billion in 2003, largely because of its military contracts in the middle east. Halliburton was the number one U.S. Army contractor in 2003 with the total value of its Army contracts valued at $3,731,725,648. Dan Briody, in his book The Halliburton Agenda, described Halliburton's relationship with Cheney as "the embodiment of the Iron Triangle, the nexus of the government, military, and big business that President Eisenhower warned America about in his farewell speech..."

UMNO perlu tongkat?

Dah...tiba-tiba muncul suara veteran UMNO Tan Sri Aziz Tapa mencadangkan supaya 'perbalahan' di antara Tun Mahathir dan Pak Lah dirujuk kepada yang di-Pertuan Agong.

Saya kira cadangan itu tidak sepatutnya timbul langsung di peringkat ini, apatah lagi disebarkan melalui media massa untuk dipersenda dan diketawakan orang luar.

Apakah UMNO begitu lemah hinggakan pertelingkahan sebegini pun memerlukan campur-tangan yang di Pertuan Agong? Bukankah UMNO sudah berusia melebehi 62 tahun? Pada usia masak sebegini parti itu sepatutnya begitu matang untuk menangani pelbagai isu dalaman. Apatah lagi perbalahan tersebut di antara dua tokoh yang begitu 'dewasa' dan amat berpengalaman dalam arena politik...tak payahlah merujuk kepada Tuanku.

Di satu penjuru pemimpin UMNO berkata isu ini tidak membimbangkan sangat dan 'life goes on' tanpa kehadiran Tun, sementara di beberapa sudut lain ada yang berpendapat berlainan pulak. Tak apa berlainan pendapat, tetapi dalam hal ini baiklah kita selesaikan secara tertutup.

Tun, we practice what you preach...

Tun Mahathir should practise what he had preached for many years – forget about individuals and remain steadfastly loyal to the party.

Hamid Albar said it's very surprising for Tun to be making calls for party members and BN MPs to leave the fold when he himself was the one who had always reminded everyone to be united and remain steadfast.

Syed Hamid said now almost all UMNO members are heeding his advice and sticking to the party to ensure it remains intact and strong.

He said said any efforts to wreck the party should not be supported, and that even though one might not agree with the leader, party members must stick together.

UMNO belongs to the Malays and not to anyone in particular.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Syawal gembala kambing

Dalam filem P.Ramlee, AHMAD ALBAB, Syawal Gembala Kambing menjadi kaya raya setelah diberi harta oleh jin yang turun ke bumi untuk mencarikan kawan untuk anaknya kerana di dunia jin, anaknya tidak dapat mencari kawan yang baik. Jadi keluarga jin menjadikan anak Syawal, Ahmad Albab sebagai kawan anak mereka. Sebagai balasan Syawal mendapat harta berpeti-peti dengan syarat setiap bulan purnama Ahmad Albab mesti datang ke gua tempat jin sekeluarga tinggal.

Setelah menjadi orang kaya di Kampung Pening Lalat , Syawal didatangi oleh orang kampung meminta bantuan. Suatu hari penghulu Kg Pening Lalat membawa mangsa kebakaran yang terdiri daripada orang kampung. Syawal telah mengarahkan petugasnya menilai kerugian orang kampung dan membayar "double" semua kerugian itu. Syawal sebenarnya memperlihatkan contoh wakil rakyat, YB yang prihatin kepada nasib masyarakatnya.

Sedih kerana wakil rakyat kita sekarang berada di persimpangan jalan, tidak pasti simpang mana yang harus diikuti, tambah lagi selepas dikejutkan dengan keputusan Tun Dr Mahathir meninggalkan UMNO.

Sejauh mana benarnya kenyataan bahawa UMNO kini beyond repair seperti yang diucapkan oleh Mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Banyak sangat diversion dalam menangani UMNO sekarang. Tidak ada satu kekuatan yang mengawal, betul-betul fokus dalam menetapkan landasan yang perlu kita ambil sekarang.
Masing-masing pemimpin tidak mahu tersilap langkah memberi sokongan. Jalan paling selamat ialah berdiam diri. Tetapi apakah ini baik untuk memulihkan UMNO ?
Kalau mereka betul-betul jujur menyokong kepimpinan Pak Lah, tunjuk sokongan dengan menyemarakkan semula perjuangan. Bukan bermain di tepi gelanggang !
Kalau sebaliknya, bentangkan pelan menyelamatkan UMNO, tidak kira siapa pemimpin yang menerajuinya.

Ini adalah detik dan ketika yang kritikal bagi parti orang Melayu. Ini ialah mengenai keselamatan dan masa depan. Ini ialah mengenai penentuan sejarah, kedudukan ekonomi dan maruah. Ini bukan lagi soal marah, soal balas dendam dan fitnah. Ia memerlukan pengorbanan menyelesaikan masalah bangsa, bukan lagi membangkitkan hal projek sasa.
Kalau pemimpin UMNO tidak faham atau sengaja tidak mahu faham, sia-sialah perjuangan UMNO mahu memartabatkan kedudukan orang Melayu. Jangan kita jadi Nujum Pak Belalang, sentiasa bergantung kepada nasib dan menolak realiti.

Govt should NOT give money to MIC

The MIC president said that the fund "will be used mostly to help poor Indians." He is to meet the Prime Minister next week on the matter.

I don't support this idea given the dismal track record of Maika Holdings, the investment arm of the MIC. The Government had given over RM200mil to the MIC via Telekom shares to invest in Maika Holdings at its inception with the objective of uplifting the economy of the Indians. The Indians were deceived into getting a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.The poor Indians mortgaged their jewellery and livestock to get into the game but what do we see some three decades later? With no dividends forthcoming to service the loans, many of them are bankrupts.

Under pressure, MIC promised to pay back ringgit for ringgit to the shareholders at the beginning of this year but once again it proved to be an empty promise.

MIC members being thoroughly disillusioned by a continuous string of empty promises and bungling by the ineffectual leadership of the party overwhelmingly voted for the Opposition in the recent polls.

Given this pathetic state of affairs, it would be blatantly unwise to give such hard cash to the party leadership however noble the motives maybe. In the Tamil language there is a saying that such a move is as good as giving a garland of sweet-smelling flowers to a monkey.

What the Indians need is equal opportunities in all fields e.g. education, employment, loans from financial institutions and religious matters. Aid to the poor irrespective of race or religion should be given in a holistic fashion preferably managed by a select, dedicated and apolitical high-powered team under the Prime Minister's Department.


Pak Lah tetap PM tetapi akur kesan tindakan Tun kepada UMNO...

Pak Lah tidak akan tunduk kepada Tun Mahathir supaya beliau meletak jawatan sebagai PM. Beliau sebaliknya yakin majoriti orang UMNO akan terus setia kepada pucuk pimpinan.

Dalam reaksinya sebentar tadi beliau bagaimanapun akur akan kesan kepada parti itu apabila anggota UMNO mengigut jejak Tun.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Kerajaan Perak akan menjual lot rumah Bumiputera di Pasaran terbuka

Kerajaan Perak dikatakan akan menjual lot-lot perumahan bumiputra di pasaran terbuka. Tindakan tersebut kononya bagi mengelak daripada menghadapi masalah 'stok tergantung' di negeri itu.

Menurut Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin 130 unit bernilai RM5 juta telah diluluskan bagi tujuan tersebut.

Mula-mula mereka membelakangi sultan, kini mereka memperkotak-katikkan hak bumiputera pula. Apa salahnya berbincang dulu dengan pertubuhan yang mewakili kepentingan kaum bumiputera dulu sebelum mengambil sebarang keputusan?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yang bersih dan Beriman


Tatkala Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata, label rasuah dan sombong yang ada pada UMNO perlu dibuang segera, tak ada pun kalangan pemimpin parti yang ke depan menyokong kenyataannya. Atau pemimpin UMNO lain menyifatkan kenyataan Pak Lah cuma PR statement semata-mata.

Terlalu sedih untuk menerima hakikat bahawa UMNO tidak akan jadi relevan. Ini juga kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut orang yang sombong. Pak Lah kena faham bahawa minda pemimpin UMNO sekarang sedang bercelaru. Mereka sibuk mencari maklumat risik mengenai siapa Perdana Menteri selepas ini. Supaya senang merangka strategi. Hinanya pemikiran mereka.

Pemimpin perhubungan negeri sibuk mencongak samada mahu bertanding jawatan Naib Presiden. Kalau lawan, siapa yang akan sabotaj. Segera cari mereka, tentukan mereka menyokong. Bayangkan apa akan berlaku.

Mereka tak perasan apa yang bakal berlaku pada UMNO. Yang ini tidak penting. Yang penting cepat-cepat cari kerusi sebelum orang lain kebas. Inilah wajah UMNO yang sebenarnya.Bukan saja korup, sombong tetapi tamak kuasa.

Para pemimpin UMNO patut segera membuat post mortem yang serius mengenai label rasuah yang melekat terus pada parti itu. Kenapa jadi korup. Sebab itulah status pemimpin UMNO. Mereka mahu dilihat hidup mewah. Mereka yang kaya raya lebih dihormati. Hisap cerut RM400 sebatang jadi lambang pemimpin yang hebat sedang dalam kawasan pilihanrayanya ada lagi rakyat yang miskin. Senang saja mahu mengabui mata orang Melayu. Beritahu YB pergi umrah . Rakyat akan berkata, alhamdullilah, warak YB tu. Kenapa mahu menyorok disebalik kesucian agama, masyallah.

Kenapa pemimpin UMNO tidak boleh hidup sederhana saja, punya budi pekerti tinggi, hebat ilmu agamanya, selelau rendah diri, sentiasa melemparkan idea bernas membangun negara, agenda besar untuk generasi masa depan dan sentiasa berkorban.

Sebenarnya kalau mereka tidak mempunyai ciri-ciri ini,mereka tidak layak menjadi pemimpin. Mereka cuma akan menjahanamkan negara,bangsa dan agama. Pemimpin sekarang rasa hebat apabila mereka dapat habuan dengan cara rasuah dan penipuan, yang menjadi sah melalui helah politik yang sebati hinggakan ia menjadi satu sistem yang sukar lagi dirungkai lagi.

Poliitik UMNO sekarang bukan lagi mahu mempertahankan martabat orang Melayu, tetapi memalukan kelompok Melayu di negara ini. Pada kacamata bangsa lain, orang Melayu hanya pandai makan rasuah. Imej ini dlihat melalui gelagat pemimpin UMNO. Terus mereka mempersoalkan hak keistimewaan orang Melayu, kedudukan Raja-Raja. UMNO patut mempertahankan semua ini. Bukan asyik dengan agenda mengenyangkan diri sendiri.

UMNO kini adalah jenama yang tidak lagi laku walaupun dijual dengan harga murah. Orang akan senyum sinis jika diberitahu anda orang UMNO. Apa yang tinggal pada UMNO?

Kembalikan keyakinan orang Melayu pada UMNO, pulihkan kredibiliti parti di mata masyarakat, pilih and lantik pemimpin yang besih dan beriman, sebab akhirnya kita terus meminta keberkatan dari Allah juga.

Tidakkah kita perasan bahawa bencana yang diterima oleh UMNO ialah kerana perbuatan pemimpin dan anggotanya yang tidak ambil peduli dosa dan pahala. Jangan salah menyalah, menuding jari memaki hamun sebab kita sudah terlanjur jauh.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Is this not true democracy?

In spite of all the talk about Malay Agenda all these while, Malay share of the economic pie is still only about 20% and Malay enrolment in universities is not more than 55%, while their performance in the SPM is ...% ? ( you know the figures), and everyone knows the Malays have little economic power...

Hence, positive discrimination for the poor and those socially and economically handicapped is still necessary. Give the figures for government aid in education, etc. to non Malays (in terms of number of scholarships, places in universities (subsidised by the government), etc. Add to that the setting up of the ACA Commission, The Malaysian Institute of Integrity, the Judicial Committee as well as other measures the government has recently taken – measures that are already heading the right way without sacrificing political & economic stability. Also, do not forget that the Malays/Pribumis make up 60% of the population. Reading in this context, the media is not representing Malay views commensurate with their percentage of the population.

Malay views hardly dominate any media much less the alternative media. Within this scenario, perhaps the Chinese and Indians should consider ceasing calling themselves Chinese or Indian...just call theselves Malaysians...

If not, why object to Ketuanan Melayu (which simply means the Raja Melayu as Head of Government, who even exempts the non-Muslims from wearing the Songkok in Royal Audience and functions.

In 1946, the Malays objected to to the idea of the Malayan Union simply because the British had wanted to do away with the Malay Royalty as the Head of Religion and Customs, and the majority of Malays concentrated in the former Unfederated states and outnumbering the others still had strong sentiments for Islam and the Raja Melayu.

Economically, Malaysia is still ruled by the minority. Is this not true democracy? Share power (political, social & economic) wisely or we may find ourselves going the way of anarchy as in Lebanon, Southern Philippines, Fiji, Iraq, etc...Do we want that?

Just because the Malays are not assertive enough doesn't make anti Malay sentiments (disguised in various forms) noble or democratic. The poor and handicapped will always be timid and less articulate.

Maksud patriotisme dalam konteks kontrak sosial


Patriotisme adalah mengenai agenda kontrak sosial melalui perkongsian kuasa berpaksikan ketuanan Melayu (menghormati tuan rumah).

Di Malaysia kaum bukan Melayu bukannya menjadi hamba. Ini nyata walaupun pecahan menyaksikan ekuiti ekonomi Melayu hanya 19% dan profesional hanya 35% walaupun peratusan bilangan orang Melayu 65%.

Dalam pada itu cuma ada SRJK (Tamil) dan SRJK (Cina) sementara bahasa Tamil dan Mandarin pula di ajar di SMK/SK.

Dasar ini seolah-olah mengakui ketuanan Cina/India. Pendatang/imigran mesti menyesuaikan diri di negara yang dikunjungi - negara yang memberikan kerakyatan kepada mereka. Semua mesti akur kepada segala keperluan dan sekiranya tidak menyetujuinya, mereka bebas untuk berhijrah ke negara lain.

Mana ada negara lain yang sanggup membenar diadakan SRJK?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Malaysia a secular state? I say not...

When Karpal says Malaysia is a secular state, he is only partially correct. What he forgets is that in our Constitution it is stated that The Head of Govt is a Malay Ruler, whereas a Malay Ruler MUST be a Muslim and he would also be the Head of Islam of a State.

A Muslim is obliged to accept the Laws of Islam . When a Muslim has to accept the operations of the Syariah court, can we fairly say then that he is secular?

Hence, when the Constitution says that Islam is the Religion of the Federation ( Article 3) , it also states that while other religions may be practiced freely "dengan aman & damai". I take that to mean without threatening Islam or its continued practice by the professed Muslims.

How then can we say Malaysia is a secular state in the case of the Muslims? Do not forget that Muslims form the majority of Malaysia still.

Anwar Ibrahim: Wolfowitz's Knife in Asia's Back

Then,on Sept 1,1998,Dr Mahathir shocked the world by breaking all the rules of IMF orthodoxy,imposing selective currency controls,ending speculation in the ringgit (the national currency) by pegging it to the dollar-and firing Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar and a handful of followers went on a rampage,attempting to carry out a popular revolt to overthrow Dr Mahathir.

Despite open support from neo-conservative in the West,including especially U.S Vice President Al Gore and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,Anwar's "people's power" revolt went nowhere,and he soon found himself in prison,convicted of abuse of power and morals charges.

The results are well known. Despite the screams from the IMF and the Anglo-America banking institutions,that Dr Mahathir was leading Malaysia down the road to Hell,that his nation would soon find itself destitute,cut off from the "responsible" world,and would likely find itself begging for the IMF to come to its rescue,the opposite occurred.

While all those nations subjected to IMF policies suffered social crisis and a massive increase in poverty,Malaysia alone among the Asian countries attacked by the speculators retained social stability and relative economic well-being.

The devastation in neighboring Indonesia was the worst,as the currency was driven down to a third of its former value,tripling the country's huge foreign indebtedness virtually overnight,while poverty rates exploded.

The Indonesian economy has only partially recovered still today.Even the IMF admitted (although long after the fact) that the vicious austerity and credit contraction policies it had imposed on the desperate government of Indonesia hadbeen a terrible mistake.

Embrace of the IMF and Wolfowitz

On the occasion of Anwar's recent apperearance at SAIS, EIR asked him the following question : Even the IMF has acknowledged that its prescriptions for the Asian economies after the speculative attack of 1997-98 only made the crisis worse. Your policies for Malaysia after the attack were well known to be consistent with those of the IMF,until they were reversed by Dr Mahathir's currency controls,and your simultaneous removal from office.

Are you also now willing to admit that,had your policiesbeen followed,the result would have been a disaster foryour country?"Anwar's response,and his presentation generally,indicate that he is not primarily interested in regaining any position of trust or leadership within his own country,or even within the party which was created in order to build support for him after his arrest,Parti Keadilan Rakyat.

Rather,he is embracing,by name and with littlereservation,the persons and the policies of the much hated (in Malaysia and else where) George Soros,the architect ofglobal speculation; Paul Wolfowitz,the leading promoter of pre-emptive war; and the bankrupt and discredited IMF.

"I was right,of course," proclaimed Anwar. He claimed that he had some differences with the IMF, "the way the country was spending had to be addressed,whether they were among the IMF prescriptions or not.

" He said that it was "beneficial" for the IMF to come intoMalaysia and discuss their ideas. He expressed support for the IMF's denunciation of all major infrastructureprojects,as wasteful "megaprojects," as if their only valuewere to provide financing for the "cronies" who were involved in the construction.

The Bakun Dam was singled out for condemnation. Hacknowledged that he had circulated Soros's papers topolicymakers,and had defended Soros when Dr Mahathirdenounced him as a thief and a moron. And,on the success of Dr Mahathir's program in saving Malaysia from the fate of its neighbors,Anwar said:

"Yes,the growth was robust,the people escaped poverty-but that was all on the surface [!]. Underneath,there was corruption,no transparency,authoritarian leaders,and nofree media."

Most disturbing,even to his supporters in Malaysia,was Anwar's effusive praise of Wolfowitz. In a Bloomberginterview in Hongkong on March 18,Anwar welcomed the Wolfowitz appointment to head the World Bank,saying that Wolfowitz "passionately believes in freedom,and understands that issues of poverty,environment degradation,living conditions and health issues which are very much a World Bank agenda.

"While people in Iraq may find this characterization less than amusing,Anwar is careful to explain that he was not a supporter of the U.S invasion of Iraq. Nonetheless,he displays how far he is willing to go in defense of theneo-conservatives who are sponsoring him,by adding: "But I don't believe that war was directed against the Muslims or the Iraqi people."

The Deputy President of Anwar's Keadilan Party, Dr Syed Husin Ali,rushed to distance himself from this embrace of the hated Wolfowitz. "He is an advisor," Syed Husin told the online opposition news service Malaysiakini on April 18,referring to Anwar.

"He can give advice to us,but he cannot determine the party's polivy," he said, insisting that Anwar's backing of Wolfowitz was only his personal view,and did not reflect the party's position.

Turning Indonesia Against Malaysia

The clue to Anwar's intentions (or rather,the intentions of Wolfowitz,with the assistance of Anwar) were revealed in his attempt to set Indonesia against Malaysia. Indonesia's democratic transformation since 1997 crash,said Anwar,has been the "most important development in the Muslim world in this century. " Although many people describe Malaysia as a model of a successful,democratic Islamic nation,said Anwar,this totally wrong. Malaysia is a dictatorship,even after Dr Mahathir's retirement,he insisted,while the true model of Islamic democracy is Indonesia.

Ironically,Anwar admitted that Indonesia was in dire need of economic growth and an end to corruption,but the contradiction did not seem to concern him in the least.

In an interview in The Age of Australia on March 21,Anwar described the devastation following the speculative destruction of the Asian economies in 1997-98 as a positivedevelopment, "a gale og creative destruction that shook the complacency of Asian societies and the governments."

The tie to Australia is significant.

The Australia government of Prime Minister John Howard is closely allied with the Bush Administration on all strategic matters,andis participating in the Wolfowitz effort to woo the new Indonesian government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to ally with the neo-conservative regimes in Washington and Canberra,in exchange for military deals and investments.

Howard has induced Yudhoyono to support Australia's effort to be included as a founding member of the East Asian it (EAS),when it is launcheh later this year. This is strongly opposed by Malaysia and China, among others,and thus puts

Indonesia at odds with Malaysia.

Howard,however,has most likely poisoned any chance Australia may have had to be admitted to the EAS,when he refused to sign the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation with ASEAN,even though it has been signed by Japan,China,South Korea,and India,among others.

The Treaty forswears the use of military aggression against other co-signers. Howard,like the Bush Administration,refuses to give up the right to pre-emptive military intervention against his neighbors,a threat which no nation can afford to ignore in the Bush/Cheney era.

Wolfowitz presents himself as a "friend of Indonesia," using his experience as Ambassador to Indonesia in the 1980s as evidence of his competence to run the World Bank. "People in Indonesia have a different view of me" from that of this critics, Wolfowitz told Bloomberg News on March 18.

While Anwar contrasts Indonesia's democracy to the supposed dictatorship in Malaysia,Wolfowitz often contrasts Indonesia to the Islamic natio s of Southwest Asia,to justify U.S military adventures to bring "democracy" to the Arabs.

Wolfowitz served as Ambassador to Indonesia from 1986 to 1989,while hot money was pouring into the country,leading to significant development andrelative prosperity-and a good reputation for Wolfowitz.

However,a was painfully learned after 1997-98,the foreign contracts which brought about this development were of the "economic hit man",variety,since the entire risk had been imposed on the Indonesian side.

Enron and other power companies,for instance,succeeded in getting guarantees from the Suharto government (usually with a member of the Suharto family involved),that the government would purchase the full capacity of power plants whether or not it was needed or used,while it was to be purchased in dollar-denominated prices.

The foreign debt was.also to be paid in dollars. When the speculators destroyed the Indonesia currency and economy in 1997-98,the nation's debt tripled overnight,while the government was forced to purchase unneeded electricity a triply-inflated prices.

The memory of Wolfowitz as a friend of Indonesia darkened a bit. His subsequent role as architect of the imperial war on Iraq turned it to black. For Wolfowitz to imagine that he is still admired in Indonesia,is as far from reality as Anwar's fantasy that the neo-conservatives will win him a place of respect in Malaysia.